MAC address flooding attack is very common security attack. MAC address table in the switch has the MAC addresses available on a given physical port of a switch and the associated VLAN parameters for each.
MAC flooding attacks are sometimes called MAC address table overflow attacks. To understand the mechanism of a MAC address table overflow attack we must recall how does a switch work in the first place.
Switch Security Attacks are the most popular topic in the switch Layer 2 Security. This is simply because they are dangerous. Cisco device security is surely one of the most interesting topics in the whole Cisco world. In the networking world in general this is also one of the most exciting and dynamic topic of all. In this small article we are starting to talk first of all about Cisco switch security that is followed by more detail articles about every aspect of the security and security issues, treats and troubleshooting in general.
In this picture, a switch is attacked with Mac address flooding attack. This attack will fill up the Mac address table of the switch with bogus source MAC addresses. In that case switch will not have the information own witch port are real MAC addresses of PC A, PC B or PC C. He will broadcast all the traffic from all PC-s to every other. That attack will make all packet sniffing possible from every computer.
Switch security does not stop malicious attacks from occurring if we don’t use some advanced methods in the configuration. In the next few posts, we will speak about some of the most appalling security attacks and how dangerous they are for our network. We will also show you the methods and technologies that exist to prevent these attacks to happen.
When we get to know all this different attacks and see how they can be intent to destroy our switch security, we will feel the need to learn what to do when they happen. In articles on the right side we are showing you how to prevent those attacks from happening and all the configuration that you will need to do on a network switch to prevent intrusions.
In the times when is to late for us to defend the network from attack, we must be prepared for some serious troubleshooting and fast solving of security issues. In the next articles about troubleshooting this network security attacks you can read about how to get rid of the problem when is too late to prevent attack to happen.
If we are speaking about all these networking devices that give us the ability to use networks, we must also say something about the biggest international company that produces most of networking devices, designs and establishes computer networks across the world – CISCO.
Cisco Internetwork Operating System and Juniper OS, what are they and all about these widely spread network device operating systems.
Cisco internetwork operating system has been confirmed as the world foremost networking infrastructure software. This software presents the perfect picture of the integration of modern technology.Cisco IOS is highly accommodating for hardware platform. This operating system is popular due to its functionality. At this time, bulk of active network systems such as small home, office router and world’s leading service provider’s networks system, all are using it in order to conduct different types of operations. You can say, Cisco Internetwork Operating System is the central and extensively influenced infrastructure software for the networking all over the world.
If you can easily understand how the network is working you will have more time to think how to make improvements on that system, and not spend all the energy on learning and getting to figure out the things that are already done. On the other side, this layered model will guarantee you that your new technology incorporated into some new protocol, or version of protocol, will be able to function and cooperate with all other protocols in the same or other layers. This is why we need The OSI network reference model.
External servers are often used to store security backups of network devices like Cisco or Juniper switches and routers. This backups include operation system images like Cisco IOS and Juniper JUNOS, and more often configuration files from devices.
When we want to configure some of the networking devices, we usually connect to the device with laptop, directly with console cable. This is the best way to set up the device for the first time, and it may be the only way. It’s because, first thing’s first, we need to setup the device to make it possible for us to communicate with other devices on the network. And then, when the router or the switch are ready to communicate, the best way to make all future changes is by doing it from a certain remote centralized location,by simply connecting to the devices using Telnet or SSH. This is because we don’t need to be literally in front of the device to configurate it; we can be on the other side of the network and remotely connect.