Introduction to Quantum Cryptography
Quantum cryptography is a new technique of securing computer network communication channel. Existing standard crypto systems are using advanced algorithms to create key pairs which are extremely hard to inverse engineer. Quantum cryptography avoids any mathematical algorithm and uses principles of quantum physics.
Quantum crypto implements a new technique of generating and exchanging crypto keys which makes it impossible for third party entities to get those keys by snooping or to create man in the middle by snooping and sending copies of original key. Keys generated in this way will automatically destroy themselves if read by third-party interferer.
When generated between two sides, using quantum key distribution, secret keys will be used with standard and well known symmetric encryption. The key generation process is the only part which uses quantum principles to work, from there, using this “hyper-secure key” already existing symmetric encryption will be used to encrypt and decrypt data, which will be sent over standard, currently available, optic data networks.