Redistribute Static on Juniper & Cisco
In case you wondered how to redistribute static routes into dynamic routing protocol you are at the right place. This is normally a basic thing to do, but I will let you know how to do it in different ways on different vendor devices so it might be interesting.
We will go through few examples of normal static to OSPF redistribution and then see how it can be partially done with only part of static routes using route filters. I’ll do it on Cisco and Juniper devices so we can see what’s the difference.
In Cisco CLI, redistribute static is fairly simple thing to do:
Router(config)#router ospf 1 Router(config-router)#redistribute static subnets
But you need to know that this simple command will take all static router available on that router and push them to OSPF and redistribute them to all other routers participating in that OSPF process.
If you want to redistribute just some of the static routes, or in our next example only static route towards the network you need route map filtering in redistribution command to reference only that one network: