Attack on SIP protocol – VoIP Vulnerability

The Attack of SIP protocol

We previously discussed in this blog the SIp protocol. We have also said that “Session Initiation Protocol” (SIP) is becoming popular quite fast and it has also achieved quick acceptance in “mixed-vendor VoIP networks”. One of the most striking properties of SIP is its use of “existing protocols”. And by default, SIP messages are sometimes sent in the form of plain (normal) text.

This is quite unfortunate as the very properties that make SIP striking can also be leveraged by attackers to make a compromise regarding the security of a particular SIP network.

VoIP Security – Main Targets of VoIP Attacks

VoIP SecurityThese days IP phones are easily obtainable and abundant in many corporate fields, they have become striking targets for attackers. Also VoIP administrators should keep an eye against VoIP differences, of fishing and spam as both are very popular in e-mail fields, and also as toll fraud, which is rather frequent in PBX fields. This article is about mentioning all the popular attack targets for a VoIP network and seeing how there are deployed.


BGP – Border Gateway Protocol

BGP is the Internet routing protocol. He is making the Internet work.

BGP protocol performs actions by maintaining IP networks table for the biggest network in the world – The Internet. The BGP protocol, as a code of behavior, supported core routing decisions over the Internet.  Instead of using traditional IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol) metrics, BGP protocol relies upon available path, network guidelines and rule-sets for routing decision making purposes. And just for this feature, it is sometimes expressed as a reachability protocol. The main idea behind the BGP creation was to replace the EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol) to permit a complete decentralized routing. NSFNET backbone is the best example of a decentralized system.

DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is a configuration protocol for the host’s set of connections on the IP networks. Obviously, computers within IP networks should be configured to communicate with each other. But some other information is needed to understand the mechanical of online communication such as IP (internet protocol) addresses, default routes and prefixes. DHCP protocol will let you to get rid of manual handling of certain tasks with a network administrator’s help. A central database should be connected to a network, if this protocol incorporated into it so the chances relating duplicating resource assignments can be eliminated.

Saving Router Configuration to Server

VoIP protocols functionalityIf you want to store a backup copy of your router’s configuration on a TFTP server we have a simple solution for you. This article will explain all the commands needed to save backup configuration of a device to TFTP server. All this for Cisco and also for Juniper device.


You need to make regular backups of your router configuration files and keep copies in a safe place. If you have a serious failure that damages a router’s hardware or software, the configuration will be destroyed. And anybody who has had to reconstruct a complex router configuration file from memory will tell you how difficult and stressful this task is. But if you have a backup of the last working configuration file, you can usually get a router working again within minutes of fixing any hardware problems.

FTP – File Transfer Protocol

To get the general idea on the subject of FTP, it is important to be acquainted with the word protocol as a significant set of rules and conventions. The aim behind the protocols introduction intent was to make available communication (computer to computer) facilities. And well designed FTP is most suitable for this purpose and that’s why still in use. Though, it is on the screen since 1970s.

FTP is resided on the application layer of OSI standard model so particular tasks can be obtained with its use such as to uphold intercontinental communication and to produce standards relating online communication. File Transfer Protocol is well documented in the form of RFC 959. But all other related documents on the FTP technicality overviews are available at RFC sourcebook. The reliability of this protocol can be judged from that, it belongs to the oldest internet protocols family but can be implemented with the help of TCP protocol.