Author: Valter Popeskic

IPv6 addresses – What is IPv6?

IPv6 addresses – what is this all about?What is IPv6 – IPv6 addresses – what is this all about? Why we need IPv6 addresses? What is this buzz all about? When the IP protocol and addressing technology first came out, there was not even close so many devices in the world that could connect to the Internet. It was hard to imagine that we will have the need to make IP addresses longer that 32-bit. So we make them 32-bit addresses and call them IPv4 address. We were not able to imagine that we will have close to 4,294,967,296 devices online? This number is simple 232 = 4,294,967,296 that means the number of different IP addresses that we can generate with 32 digits (bit) number.

What is a protocol?

What is a protocol?What is a protocol?

If you arrived here, this probably means that you have heard before of something called protocol. The first thing to know is that there are a bunch of protocols, not only one, and that every protocol has a bunch of rules inside him. Let’s take a real world example.

What is internet – How does the internet work and why is so important?

Internet is relatively new technology but is one of the fastest in gaining popularity and in the spreading across the world. We can hardly imagine our normal daily life without internet. Sometimes we don’t even realize how much devices and services around us are actually internet equipped. But what makes all this devices work? How does the internet work?

That’s today theme and we will speak about the most important parts of internet technology and way this parts cooperate to give us the possibility to use network resources. In the beginning the simplest way to look at the internet is by splitting it into two main components: harware and protocols.