Category: Word from the author

Flame Virus

Flame VirusCyber intellect worm “Flame” came up to notice of the experts first time at Kaspersky Lab when a specialized agency of UN “International Telecommunication Union” (in charge of information and communiqué technologies) approaches to these experts for assistance in finding an unfamiliar and mysterious malware. The Flame as a powerful computer virus has removed the highly sensitive information all over the Middle East; especially it has affected the Iran mainly.

What is PIPA – Protect Intellectual Property Act

Everybody is speaking about it these days, lets say something about what is this PIPA and SOPA thing about. Blog about networkingPIPA Act defends an individual’s privacy by necessitating the private zones and organizations to attain the approval for their collected works, to utilize and exposé of not the public information. This law gives the right of use to their own private information only to the authorized individual. The community of business men, non-profit organizations, and other practiced regulatory organizations needs to go along with the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) that has already turn out to be a law on the month of Jan. 1 in the year 2004. 

What is SOPA – Stop Online Piracy Act

Everybody is speaking about it these days, lets say something about what is this SOPA thing about.

SOPA as a legislative bill is introduced to uphold material, ingenuity, private enterprise, and originality therefore to discourage the one’s property’s burglary. The stop online piracy Act was proposed as the United States law in the form of bill by the Republican so to make bigger the U.S. law enforcement ability in order to fight against online copyright issue of any give and take business or an intellectual property.

Network Fundamentals – Our main goal

Today we made some little changes to our page in witch we added category Network Fundamentals under our most important category networking.

Networking tips This is basicly the niche of this whole web page. This project introduces to you the functions, structure, components, architecture, and models of the Internet and other computer networks. It uses the TCP and OSI layer models to show the roles of protocols and services at the application, transport, data link, and physical layers. The mean and structure of IP addressing and the basics of Ethernet, media, and operations. This project will hopefully help you to understand and build simple LANs by using basic principles of performing basic configurations of our system devices such as routers and switches, cabling, and implementing IP addressing.

In hope that you will enjoy using our knowledge, all the best…