Category: Security

VACL – VLAN Access Lists

IP access control lists – ACLs are used by routers to deny or forward specific traffic from passing through some network interface. We can say that ACLs are used when traffic travels from one network address space to other. Cisco Catalyst switch can also have an ACL applied within a VLAN. This special kind of ACL is called a VLAN access control list – VACL.

Switch Security Attacks – Layer 2 Security

Switch Security Attacks are the most popular topic in the switch Layer 2 Security. This is simply because they are dangerous. Cisco device security is surely one of the most interesting topics in the whole Cisco world. In the networking world in general this is also one of the most exciting and dynamic topic of all. In this small article we are starting to talk first of all about Cisco switch security that is followed by more detail articles about every aspect of the security and security issues, treats and troubleshooting in general.

Switch mac address table full of bogus mac addresses acts like a hub

In this picture, a switch is attacked with Mac address flooding attack. This attack will fill up the Mac address table of the switch with bogus source MAC addresses. In that case switch will not have the information own witch port are real MAC addresses of PC A, PC B or PC C. He will broadcast all the traffic from all PC-s to every other. That attack will make all packet sniffing possible from every computer.




Switch security does not stop malicious attacks from occurring if we don’t use some advanced methods in the configuration. In the next few posts, we will speak about some of the most appalling security attacks and how dangerous they are for our network. We will also show you the methods and technologies that exist to prevent these attacks to happen.

When we get to know all this different attacks and see how they can be intent to destroy our switch security, we will feel the need to learn what to do when they happen. In articles on the right side we are showing you how to prevent those attacks from happening and all the configuration that you will need to do on a network switch to prevent intrusions.

Layer 2 security attacks: Layer 2 attacks prevention:
  1. VLAN hopping attacks – Switch Spoofing and Double tagging
  2. STP – Spanning Tree Protocol attack
  3. Mac address flooding
  4. DHCP Server Spoofing
  5. ARP Spoofing
  6. CDP attack
  7.  Telnet Attack
  1. Prevent VLAN hopping attacks attacks – Spoofing and Double tagging
  2. Prevent STP attack
  3. Prevent Mac address Flooding
  4. Prevent DHCP Server Spoofing
  5. Prevent ARP Spoofing
  6. Prevent CDP attack
In the times when is to late for us to defend the network from attack, we must be prepared for some serious troubleshooting and fast solving of security issues. In the next articles about troubleshooting this network security attacks you can read about how to get rid of the problem when is too late to prevent attack to happen.

VPN – What is VPN and how it works?

A VPN (virtual private network) offers network connection possibility over an extensive physical distance (remoteness). But you need to know that it can work over both on private networks and public networks (Internet).

VPN in simple words make possible for clients or whole LAN-s on other side of the internet to connect into main LAN pesmises and have the “technical impression” that they are localy connected to this site. This includes gaining the local IP address from local DHCP pool, possibility to use all the LAN resources that are defined by the administrator etc.

Phishing – What is phishing?

What is phishing? – in the cyber world, phishing is a serious crime and that can be referred to as online fraud. This sin is made in the form of online attacks with the help of forged e-mails and counterfeit websites in order to obtain the confidential and sensitive information of those who are involved in online correspondence and transactions etc. In case of fake websites, these are copycat in designing and other features of any reputable organization’s original site. Such as, a bank website can be used in this concern by Phishers to prepare its copy.