Category: Networking


The unique Gopher arrangements were taken as public in the year 1991 and you can view its depiction from the RFC 1436. This protocol was given the almost same name as of the sport’s team of Minnesota University, “Golden Gophers”.

The TCP/IP Application layer protocol “Gopher” was launched to share out, uncover, and to process documents online. Though initially, it was opened for communal as a smart option against WWW (World Wide Web) because of its menu documentation support, but in due course it remained completely futile to receive any popularity. The reason behind this infamy was that it offered some non maintainable, by the Web, features. According to one school of thought, the reason of this protocol’s collapse was its some degree of structure too and that was its non-flexibility especially when compared it to Hypertext Transfer Protocol or HTML, which is Gopher’s real competitor.

Administrative distance – Which route is the best?

Administrative distance is the measure used by Cisco routers to help them decide how to select the best path when there’s more that one route to the same destination from different routing protocols. We can say that in this manner administrative distance shows the real reliability of a routing protocol in one system. It shows which routes are more important based on the routing protocol from which they derived. Each routing protocol is prioritized in order of most to least reliable using an administrative distance value. Don’t get confused, a lower numerical value is preferred. For example, an EIGRP with an administrative distance of 90 will be chosen over a RIP route with an administrative distance of 120 and over OSPF route with an administrative distance of 110 to.

Here is a table with all default administrative distances used by Cisco routers:

Difference between Routed and Routing Protocols

Routed Protocols vs. Routing Protocols
RoutingIn this article we will cover the difference between Routed Protocols and Routing Protocols. This is one of the thing that can be asked of you if you are attending a job interview or if you are going to CCNA exam so, you must know the difference between a “routed” protocol and a “routing protocol” as one of the key concepts in the Routing world and networking world.

IMAP – Internet Message Access Protocol

Internet Message Access ProtocolIMAP – Internet Message Access Protocol is a means of getting the right of entry to an e-mail. This code of behavior is also suitable for accessing the bulletin board posts which are held in reserve on a mail server and that is perhaps communal. Additionally, that commonly well known mailing IMAP protocol is an Application layer protocol which is used to grant permission to an e-mail client to get reach to the e-mail that resides over a far flung e-mail server.

Saving VLAN.dat To NVRam

Saving VLAN.dat To NVRam – How to save VLAN.dat to different place – VLAN.dat redirection

Switch VLAN.dat managementSometimes it can happen to you that the VLAN Database is lost when the switch is restarted. This is especially often when working in the lab environment. To help cross this issue you can tell the switch to save the VLAN.dat file to NVRAM instead of storing it to Flash. By default on Cisco switches that are running Cisco IOS the Flash memory is a default place to store VLAN.dat