Networking protocol “SPDY” is used commonly to transport the web content. It is the shortened form of “SPeeDY”. Google (Google Chrome & Chromium) uses this protocol to promote the open-source project (chromium web browser) protocol in order to improve the functionality of HTTP protocol. Since, speeding up the act of transmission is achieved via compression which is the feature of SPDY. In other words, it is developed to access the Google’s web services via browser, named as Google chrome.
Goals, designed for this protocol, are mentioned as:
- 50% page load time reduction
- Least use of complexity is possible with SPDY because it is using the core transport layer TCP without making any change in the on hand networking infrastructure etc.
But with SPDY, certain technical goals can also be obtained because it allows a number of HTTP (an application protocol) requests to run simultaneously across a particular TCP session. Meanwhile, in used bandwidth can be reduced by means of compressing headers information along with getting rid of uncalled for headers. Furthermore, with SPDY the server is enabled to start communications and send out needed information to the client, any time.
SPDY (application layer protocol) includes a particular session layer on the top of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) that is required for many synchronized and interleaved data flows (that can be bi-directional and may be kicked off from the client side and server side) via a lone TCP link. This has no affect over the standard message (HTTP’s GET and POST) formats. But with SPDY a latest framing format specification, both encoding as well as transmitting the data over the wire is achievable.
Anyhow, with vital SPDY features, following acts can be performed:
- With a single TCP link, unlimited but concurrent streams can be acquired with SPDY’s help. Moreover, few network connections are required for the more compactly filled packets so they are issued.
- With SPDY, requests are fulfilled on the base of priority. The reason is to get the most wanted requested items first from the server side.
But from the server side initiated streams are used to transport the contents direct to the client, even in that case if client isn’t asked for it. IT professional can configure this option with two possible ways:
- Server push
- Server hint
Anyhow, whatever the case will be the main purpose of SPDY implementation is to trim down a webpage’s load time over the internet. This feature is achieved by prioritizing the transfer of many files. Multiplexing is also played a very important role in this regard. But in the whole game, only single connection is required for the single client. Keep this in your mind that SPDY isn’t the replaces of HTTP, but SPDY is still using the HTTP methods and headers etc. And still its certain areas like bandwidth efficiency and when a client needs to establish a new connection as a result of single connection failure revival are needed to be improved.