Month: December 2011

SPDY – reducing web page load time protocol

Networking protocol “SPDY” is used commonly to transport the web content. It is the shortened form of “SPeeDY”. Google (Google Chrome & Chromium) uses this protocol to promote the open-source project (chromium web browser) protocol in order to improve the functionality of HTTP protocol. Since, speeding up the act of transmission is achieved via compression which is the feature of SPDY. In other words, it is developed to access the Google’s web services via browser, named as Google chrome.

Optical Fiber – Fiber Optics

Fiber optic

Today’s finest technology “Fiber optic” is making use of glass or plastic threads objects for the at hand better results during the process of transmitting data with their help. Usually, this fiber is consisted on a cluster of glass fibers. And every piece of this particularly popular technology is able to transmit messages.