Tag: upgrade

Cisco Catalyst Stack Upgrade

Well… It will reboot your whole switch stack at once, In case you were wondering. But it has a neat feature of automatic rollback to the previous IOS XE version if something goes south with the newly upgraded switches.

The same goes for non-stacked Cisco Catalyst C9200 and C9300 switches, but the question was, and the answer is hard to find if the stack would reload members sequentially or it would just reload all members at once. The answer is of course the least good option which makes the upgrade impossible without network outage even if other devices are connected to the stack redundantly (to two or more stack members).

The whole procedure is fairly simple:

Switch Upgrade install mode

New Cisco switches are now usually shipped with install mode configuration for software installation. The other (older) bundle mode was simply a boot variable on the switch config that stated where the .bin files is saved on the switch flash and if multiple .bin files which one to load upon switch reboot.

New ACI deployment? Watch out when connecting APICs to Leafs

It’s one of those articles aimed at the people with Cisco ACI experience who don’t bother with reading all the install and other guides again while going through n’th time of building and ACI fabric, like me. When it comes to Cisco ACI, you really should.

There’s a small change with the physical build of the third generation of APIC server where 10G SFP interfaces from APIC towards the Leaf switches (used for fabric discovery and later for the in-band controller to fabric communication) where 4x10G card is built in the server and not like 2x10G on M2/L2 and other first and second generation of APICs.

When you see those 4x10G ports on the server, the logical thing to do will be to use the first two ports on each APIC and connect them to two Leafs (for redundancy and stuff). It ended up being that is not really how Cisco intended those interfaces to be used and it will end up blowing your fabric stability and management. I was able to discover the fabric and register the fabric leaf and spines. It was even possible to configure the whole thing up to the functional fabric and L2-L3 functions but the APIC cluster was always unstable and going in and out of configuration stale and data diverged statuses on cluster view.

ISSU Upgrade of Cisco Catalyst 6880-X VSS Cluster and 6800ia FEX extenders

For a shorter update procedure guide check abbreviated article: Short list of upgrade steps without extensive explanations “Cisco Catalyst 6880-X VSS ISSU Upgrade Steps


Cisco spoiled us over the years with great and detailed documentation on each technology and hardware component they support. Still, I managed to find a part where documentation is not detailed enough to give you definite number of steps to get things done.

While preparing for software upgrade of Cisco Catalyst 6880-X VSS cluster I stumbled on one of the first examples of outdated and vague procedure for upgrade of Cisco device. Here is my successful ISSU (In-Service Software Upgrade) procedure which I done few days ago. I hope it will help you avoid sweating and hoping that you typed the right thing on a VSS cluster that should not go down at any point 🙂

I included an Acronym Guide at the bottom of the post to guide you trough VSS, ISSU, Cluster, and other mentioned abbreviation which are not described in details here

In my case the environment was Catalyst 6880-X and four 6800ia Fabric Extenders FEX. The same procedure is valid for more on for no FEX extenders.

Cisco Catalyst 6880-X VSS

Cisco Catalyst 6880-X VSS

Get the info on which IOS version is supported to be upgraded with ISSU

Not all IOS images can be upgraded to new IOS versions using In Service procedure to avoid network traffic downtime. In order to get things working, you need to get into Cisco docs and find ISSU supported upgrade matrix document.

Cisco Catalyst 6880-X VSS ISSU Upgrade Steps

This is a short version without comments and explanations for those that need to get things done quickly without reading through my extensive waffle.

For detailed update procedure with all the explanations check extended article: ISSU Upgrade of Cisco Catalyst 6880-X VSS cluster and its four 6800ia FEX extenders

Let’s start!

1. Get the info on which IOS version is supported to be upgraded with ISSU

Google for ISSU or EFSU IOS upgrade support or use this Cisco doc “SX_SY_EFSU_Compatibility_Matrix1” to select supported IOS for ISSU upgrade from your current version.

2. Upload IOS to both Chassis

copy ftp://admin:[email protected]/c6880x-adventerprisek9-mz.SPA.151-2.SY7.bin bootdisk:

and same for slavebootdisk: